Genevieve, is a classic example of Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue:
She is a mother of two girls, 11 and 13, and worked as a Part Time Admin.
– She was overweight, 90kgs.
– She had been diagnosed with “IBS”, Fibromyalgia, Depression and Insomnia.
– She complained about being extremely lost and overwhelmed.
– She had complaints of migraines and poor memory.
– She couldn’t work full-time because of the pain, fatigue, and IBS flair ups. (And was taking quite a bit of time off)
– The doctors only prescribed strong pain killers, anti-depressants sleeping tablets and told her there is no cure for her conditions, it just needs to be managed.
The doctor recommended that she go on a diet and exercise. This brought her to tears because of the utter pain and stiffness she was in, she was furious this is all the doctors told her.
We did her testing and saw the driving factors behind all these symptoms:
She had messed up gut microbiome imbalance and candida overgrowth. Her blood test indicated an underactive thyroid.She had extremely low levels of vitamin D and magnesium which explains muscle cramps and fatigue. Her fluid retention was very high and her estrogen blood markers were very high (explaining the weight gain and inability to shift).
So we decided to get Genevieve much healthier and get her pain free. This is HOW we did it:
- We gave Genevieve supplements to flush out the candida, balance her gut microbiome.We replaced the need for medications with herbal and natural supplements.We supplemented with a high quality fibrolytic enzyme (to remove the excess fibrin in the soft tissues).We addressed her nutritional intake and were able to incorporate highly anti-inflammatory and alkaline minerals into her daily diet, and added magnesium.We provided a customised supplement to lower her estrogen and support balance her thyroid, at the same time.
Genevieve started to feel better immediately.
Within 1 month…
- She had lost 5 kilograms. Her IBS emergencies went away. She had normal bathroom movements! Her soreness and stiffness had significantly decreased.
Within 3 months…
- Her fibromyalgia flair ups were 100% gone! No more soreness or aches and pains.She had lost another 7 kilograms –
- Losing a total of 12 kilograms in 3 months!
- She was sleeping through the night. She felt energised and happy.Her depression was gone.She was getting to go out with her daughters.
Genevieve laughed saying,
“I can’t believe I was too tired to go to the cinema!”
Armed with the answers, we were able establish a plan of care for Genevieve to get her back to balance and optimal health, without the daily pains, fatigue and functional limitations.
How to Get the Right Treatment?
If you are feeling any of the pain or symptoms of fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, it’s important to get your body balanced and back on track.
Unfortunately, standard medical practice fails to test and detect many of the root causes of your specific and non-specific symptoms of fibromyalgia.
There’s a good chance you are in a state of systemic inflammation, and/or your estrogen may be in excess and/or you suffer from one or more nutrient deficiencies contributing to your condition.
Your body simply is out of balance.
We run a myriad of tests to look deeper into the possible causes, including hormone profiles, C-RP (C-reactive protein) to assess systemic inflammation, cortisol levels, iodine levels, and nutrient profiles checking for body and brain function.
I customize an action plan just for you, based on your medical history, symptomatology and test results.
The very first thing we do is to run a QUAD Scan (as seen in the image on the right).
The Quad Scan allows us to detect 3 Key Indicators:
1) Your Brain & Energy Levels, based on your Cellular Response to the machine.
2) Your Fluid Retention, the direct connection to Your Hormonal Function (or Dysfunction)
3) Your Metabolic Index, which enables us to see your fat and muscle concentration. This is a key measuring tool that explains your weight, and further explains hormonal imbalance (especially with testosterone).
Armed with information, we customise a Treatment Plan tailored to YOUR BODY based on what you need to reverse your Fibromyalgia and replenish your energy.
We’d love to support you too! Book a Free Introductory Consultation with us here: