The Four Stages of Menopause [including Post-Menopause]

There’s lots of confusion for women about what is happening in their bodies from about 40 years of age. With time, women are told to expect an extra five kilos and that their body is just going to start “getting older”. But I want you to have a better understanding of what’s going on with…

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Endometrisios from a Functional Medicine Approach

Over 1000 studies across the world at major universities are disclosing that endometriosis is actually not a hormone condition. In this video, we walk through the bacteria driving endometriosis pain, the root cause of endometriosis, and what you can do about it. Here’s just a few things we cover: Walk Thru: Stool tests and Lab Results to…

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Fibromyalgia Case Study with Action Plan

Genevieve, is a classic example of Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue: She is a mother of two girls, 11 and 13, and worked as a Part Time Admin. – She was overweight, 90kgs. – She had been diagnosed with “IBS”, Fibromyalgia, Depression and Insomnia. – She complained about being extremely lost and overwhelmed. – She had…

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11 Natural Things You Can Do for Your Chronic Pain

Our Pain is Insane Did you know that 20% of Australians suffer from chronic pain? And pain is the most common reason someone will visit a healthcare Practitioner in Australia, there is no question that we’re a nation in pain and inflamed! To understand how to reduce pain, we first need to look at its main…

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Inflammation in the brains of those with autism is becoming a key area of research for autism treatment. Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct link between the health of microbiome, located in the gut, and the brain in children with autism. According to the International Psychiatry Journal, May 2013, it was shown…

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Thyroid Health in Mums for Healthy Babies

Thyroid health in mums for healthy babies Optimizing thyroid health is so important for minimising the risk of miscarriage as well as ensuring good development of a baby’s brain which will prevent risk of autism and ADHD. What is the Thyroid? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the front of the neck.…

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7 Ways to Naturally Treat ADHD

Alternative treatment for children who experience ADHD is an option taken by many families to improve the health of their child and to protect them against the side effects of commonly prescribed medications used to treat ADHD. These side effects include: Nervousness Agitation Insomnia Digestive pain Loss of appetite Changes in weight Skin rashes Increased…

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Natural and effective treatment strategies for children with autism, ADHD and behavioural problems. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can begin at birth and continue in some form throughout life.  In Australia, approximately 11% of Australian children aged 4-17 have an ADHD diagnosis, a number that has steadily increased over the past couple of decades. ADHD…

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Should we be trusting BPA-free products?

Just a few years ago you were all throwing away your plastic ware, plastic kitchen utensils and baby bottles after information about the toxic chemical, bisphenal-A (BPA) hit the media and became a big health-scare phenomenon. Now you have all been searching for products with a “BPA-sticker” on it. But are BPA-free products safer? First,…

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Boost liver function with Turmeric

You know turmeric comes with a myriad of health benefits, but did you know it may also help detox your liver and may even protect it from disease? From environmental pollutants to the food we eat and medications we take, you are constantly consuming countless chemicals, pesticides, dangerous heavy metals, and artificial food additives every…

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